At blockwise-capital, we are focused on diversity of thought. This means attracting and encouraging people with a unique voice, so they can challenge the status quo and help clients to make better business decisions. This diversity sits at the centre of our approach to problem solving and innovative thinking. Across our global network, we recognise that workplaces need to be inclusive of everyone regardless of gender, cultural identity, age, ability, sexual orientation and work style or approach if they want to achieve this diversity of thought. That is why we are focusing our diversity efforts on gender and ethnicity. We've made a number of key local and international partnerships, with organisations and company around the glove We are also proud of our commitment to creating a safe, welcoming and inclusive work place for employees with diverse gender identity and sexual orientation. Every day, our Team (Shine) members shine the light on important issues in society and we work hard to make our culture stronger and to create brighter opportunities that let each and every one of us truly shine. Not only do these efforts reflect the incredibly diverse makeup of Switzerland, but they align with our vision of what a professional services firm has to be if it is going to make a positive change to society.
blockwise-capital aims to be the next generation of neobanks on Blockchain, an ecological, intelligent and complete environment capable of simplifying people’s journey in the cryptocurrency and finance market and being the best option for those who want to leverage their own achievements.
Build the fastest and most secure bridge between the world of traditional finance and blockchain technology, bringing them together through the cross-chain
MISSION Leverage people’s financial future through the opportunities of the cryptocurrency market, in a legal and uncomplicated way